Un bon rotofil est un rotofil mort.musique et ornithologie
- 00:00 Lucie Antunes - Kālimat
- 04:45 The Limiñanas & Laurent Garnier - Ne gâche pas l'aventure humaine
- 09:54 The Smile - You will never work in television again
- 12:48 Morita Vargas – Garganta
- 16:14 Benjamin Epps – Goom
- 20:01 The Shangri-Las – Remember (Walkin' in the sand)
- 22:02 Yann Tiersen - Ar Maner Koch
- 26:51 Piero Fidelfatti – Ocean
- 31:07 Chris Imler - Appeliere
- 35:00 My Jazzy Child – Alpiant
- 38:53 Pierre Didy Tchakounte & Les Tulipes Noires - Monde moderne
- 42:44 The Pioneers - Long shot kick de bucket
- 45:44 The Sun Ra Arkestra - Pink elephants on parade (from Dumbo)
- 47:35 Kondi Band feat. Mariama - She doesn't love you
- 51:13 Dreamcastmoe - You had better deliver
- 55:08 Noémi Büchi - Tap02
Columba livia, Corvus corone, Phylloscopus collybita, Strix aluco, Garrulus glandarius, Sylvia atricapilla, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Picus viridis, Streptopelia decaocto, oiseau mystère, Fulica atra, Troglodytes troglodytes, Pica pica, Ardea cinerea, Falco tinnunculus, Sturnus vulgaris, Turdus merula + "crapauds mare nuit Serrinha do Alambri" de Félix Blume (en continu)